Wednesday, April 29, 2009

On Japan`s Future: Is it too Late Anyway?

I think in a way it is too late. Yet I don`t think countries should ever
throw in the towel.

Japan`s waffling about whether to become multicultural or not, is in itself,
hurting the country. Recently Brazilians and people with Japanese blood
from abroad, are being essentially bribed to return to their country of origin
(the country on their passport).

They should be encouraged to stay in Japan and supported. However that is
just my opinion. I am obviously not the prime minister of Japan.

Japan needs to come up with a well thought out, long range plan for her future. Is she going to become a multicultural nation or not?

The issue still seems to be so much up in the air.

However, if the answer is yes, we are going to be like Britain, Canada and America for example, then how can we best accomplish this?

ie) Help newcomers to settle in well and learn Japanese, limit racism,
insure a safe and fair employment system for all ie) tenure not based on
race would be one example.

Also, how can we prepare the Japanese people for this--how can we promote the positive points of multiculturalism.
In Canada it was everywhere when I was growing up--on
TV and other forms of media. It was taught in the schools
--the benefits of being multicultural.

Or if Japan chooses to go it alone. What are the benefits and costs of that.
How can we limit the costs? Are we going to be satisfied with
a much poorer standard of living, as we must pay more taxes to
support the elderly for example.

For me, being a Canadian. Although I like Japan and I like living
here. I always have a way out should things get too difficult.

But for the average Japanese, they are stuck here depending on the
government to make the best decisions for the country.

However, waffling and no decision making is even worse
than choosing one of the above ways to the future.

I truly hope Japan becomes multicultural however. I think the benefits
far outweigh the demerits.

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